Friday, October 13, 2006

The way we relate

We tend to think of ourselves in a positive light, though, we know our faults as human beings.
I think this is completely normal, but I have been thinking now somehow about why do we sometimes feel hurt, even though there is not any apparent reason to feel like that. The samet thing goes for feelin come we just get sad, or depressed, without any reason? We just feel blue.

We open up to some people that we trust, but the concept or foundation of that relationship may not be the same for that other person. The way we relate to our significant others is as personal and different as we as individuals are unique.
After all, its just a matter of how you choose to open to people and the expectations or assumptions that that creates on you
and also on the person him/herself.
At the end of the day, we all want to be cared for, and care for someone. To be able to express what we really feel for someone is not as easy as it may sound..

I think that we need to risk, and put our faith...and open up to people, at least to the significant ones in your life. The important part
is that we should understand that other people, no matter how much yu know them, are different from
you....hence, the understanding of your relationship to this person is different, or may be different.


Sunday, October 08, 2006

WTC and the Kids of the World

Its Sunday, and yeah, it was a busy weekend..been studying finnish, writing my thesis and doing some
homework. So today I decided to chill out and I went to the movies to see this WTC movie.  Was expecting something more dramatic, but it was ok.

These kind of movies always make me think about if I am prepared, or if I could, be able to help others in a more direct way: for example, a paramedic, a doctor, a fireman, they all help out people directly.  I study and work in Business and Sales...obviously, I must think hard to find a meaning in what I do.

I must say though, and I have said this to not more than a handful or persons (less than 5, I think) that I am committed, in the long run, to work and do a direct impact on orphan kids.  I don't know exactly how, or when, but I figured I will take it step by step.  There are these programs in which you can help kids to get an education by providing them funds.  Will be researching more about this since I want to find a way to help the honduran orphans.

Although a kid is a kid, I see that the atenttion is always focused on the big countries or regions: Africa, Brazil and,  since I'm a Honduran, I might as well look after my own country's kids.  My father has been working with kids as well, and myself, I adopted a kid when I was in high school (part of a social service we all had to do).

I guess I have 2 persons that inspired me, which I know personally very well, dad of course and Sanni, a finnish close friend of mine that has adopted an african kid: I admire their compassion. Can you imagine, if all of us adopted one kid?  That would definitely be an impact:)

I still think that giving money to poor governments is not the way to go, you are just making those countries more dependent on foreign aid...its the case for many african countries and other cys around the world.  As it was said before: give a man a fish, and he will go hungry the next day, teach a man how to fish, and he will never be hungry (assuming, of course, that he doesn't overfish, and causes the fish to go extinct...there, here is my sarcasm showing its black-toothed grin).

Friday, October 06, 2006

Day 1 - A Finnish, sunny friday afternoon

I don´t even know if I should say hi, or greetings or I won´t write anything like that.

For some time I had been thinking about creating this blog, for the benefit of myself and for the safekeeping of important memories (in-situ postings...write it as they happen)..but also, its always good to leave a trail behind by which long-lost friends can find you, and know wassup with that Honduran.

It's 16.12, its sunny outside, and I'm alone at my office...perfect moment to start I guess.

I might as well start from my current situation.

I was glad to finally get a full time job ( doing what I love doing, international sales and marketing. Last year I was working in The Netherlands for a packaging company, and that is where my career really took of, after sucessfully working to take that company to Brazil (yes, they did eventually get the deals there..).

So now, I'm responsible for Portugal, Spain, the whole Latin Enchilada and I also get some action in the Baltics and Nordic region.

I am still trying to write my thesis so I can finally get my master's degree at the Helsinki School of Economics.

I still haven´t visited Honduras (it's hard to believe that the last time I was there was in 1997...).

I'm still into music as well, but I'm not singing for any bands at the moment.

hmm..well, I guess that is it for now..let us see how this develops. I have a big thesis deadline on tuesday, have to prepare for it.